Romeo & Juliet Vocabulary

  1. 1. illicit partner of a married person
  2. 2. a small,showy trinket or decoration
  3. 4. deserving or arousing pity
  4. 5. kindness,gentleness
  5. 6. a malicious,false, and defamatory statement
  6. 8. relate to;concern
  7. 9. talk foolishly
  8. 10. a real or imagined wrong(unfair treatment)
  9. 12. a yellow pear fruit from an Asian tree
  1. 1. lying stretched out facing downwards
  2. 2. make wicked,deprave
  3. 3. decorate
  4. 7. the passionate expression of grief or sorrow;weeping
  5. 8. regard with disgust and hatred
  6. 11. to punish by imposing a fine