Roots and Rules for Back To School

  1. 4. I take _________for my actions
  2. 5. the best lunch will get
  3. 7. the study of animals is
  4. 9. I will use my 8-squared paper to . . .
  5. 12. Ms. Eliason's favorite color is
  6. 14. When I try again I am showing ______
  7. 15. the study of earth is
  8. 16. I show ______ to others and myself
  1. 1. Tiny is the class . . .
  2. 2. My first roots test is on . . .
  3. 3. hats off and hoods...
  4. 6. a mnemonic device is a
  5. 8. the roots we are learning are
  6. 10. we are the OBJH _____
  7. 11. my phone belongs in my . . .
  8. 13. the study of life is