Roots of Empathy - CRYING

  1. 2. When a baby is __________, you can try feeding her.
  2. 3. A crying baby is not a bad baby but a baby with a __________.
  3. 7. When baby is __________, you can try a toy or a song.
  4. 9. A baby with a high __________ level tends to scream and cry loudly.
  5. 10. Shaking a baby can cause a __________ injury.
  6. 11. It is important that babies get a lot of ____________ from their caregiver.
  7. 13. It is okay to ask for __________.
  8. 14. You can't __________ a baby by helping them when they are crying.
  9. 15. A __________ outside can be very helpful for baby and parent.
  1. 1. We can sing a soft __________ to soothe baby.
  2. 3. Some babies like to have a __________ to suck on.
  3. 4. You can try __________ baby when they cry.
  4. 5. When a baby cries and you can't figure out why, you may feel ___________.
  5. 6. Some babies enjoy the movement of a _________.
  6. 8. It's not the baby's fault for crying. Don't ________ the baby.
  7. 11. Some babies cry more than others, and we don't know why. This is called __________.
  8. 12. Never __________ a baby.
  9. 15. Try changing baby's diaper when it is __________.