Rosa Parks crossword

  1. 2. She worked alongside President Ed ______ fighting for criminal justice.
  2. 3. Rosa Parks didn't have the same rights as a white man just because she was _______.
  3. 6. She wanted to make a change by helping black people gain their _______.
  4. 8. Rosa Parks refused to get off the bus on __________ 1, 1955.
  5. 12. Rosa Parks refused to get off a _____.
  6. 13. She spent the remainder of her life using her fame to _________ the youth.
  7. 14. She was in a tv series called “Touched by an ______.
  8. 15. Rosa worked as a ___________.
  1. 1. She joined the __________, Alabama NAACP and was elected secretary the same day.
  2. 4. Rosa was ___________ for violating a city law.
  3. 5. Rosa didn't give up her seat for a _______ man.
  4. 7. “Rosa Parks was a _______ to all to remain free.”
  5. 9. She was a big __________ in self-respect and self-defense.
  6. 10. Rosa __________ many people.
  7. 11. She wanted to make a change and become an advocate for justice and ________.