Rosa Parks

  1. 2. when people refused to ride the bus, it was a bus____
  2. 4. the town Rosa lived in
  3. 5. Rosa demonstrated great __________
  4. 6. unfair, not right
  5. 7. the state Rosa was born in
  6. 9. to treat somebody differently and set them aside because they are different
  7. 12. to mix, in this case, whites with blacks
  8. 13. many African- Americans being held to work against their will
  9. 14. Rosa's husband
  1. 1. helped stop segregation
  2. 3. the bus driver that arrested Rosa
  3. 4. a leader who stood up for his rights during Rosa's time
  4. 8. what happened to Rosa on the bus
  5. 10. to refuse to do something
  6. 11. what Rosa and Dr.King fought hard for