Rosie, the hidden princess Katriona, the fairy who rescued and hid the princess Aunt, the co parent and protector of the princess Narl, the smith Barder, the husband of Katriona Peony, the decoy princess Ikor, the supposed 21st fairy godparent of the prin

  1. 2. the husband of Katriona
  2. 4. the fairy who rescued and hid the princess
  3. 6. the supposed 21st fairy godparent of the princess
  4. 10. the decoy princess
  5. 11. Prendergast, owner of Woodwold
  6. 13. the house where the princess' 21st birthday ball is held
  7. 14. the co parent and protector of the princess
  8. 15. the evil fairy who cursed the princess
  1. 1. a large bird chained in the rafters of Woodwold
  2. 3. the princess' fairy who often comes in the form of a spider
  3. 5. beings in this world that are capable of doing magic
  4. 7. a prince who comes to Foggy Bottom to be a smith's apprentice
  5. 8. End, the thing that must be made thicker than a 3 month old baby's finger
  6. 9. the smith
  7. 12. the hidden princess