Rosie Work Distraction

  1. 5. It's not there we go...
  2. 7. I want you all to make circles like they do in...
  3. 8. (anagram)ha dubdy tahst retpty...
  4. 10. great walthamstow pizza option (6,8)
  5. 12. only thing we can both rave to
  6. 13. terrible activity for first holiday, rocky
  7. 15. Matt's new house. He leaves a welcome gift and fucks off (6,3,6)
  8. 17. business plan, maybe one day!
  9. 21. friend and awkwardness bringer
  10. 22. She could kill you with something very thin
  11. 24. Murakami a bit obsessed with
  12. 26. original pin pinner (6,6)
  13. 28. my love/hate relationship (3,9)
  14. 29. the primary movement in time to music (5,2,2)
  15. 30. 30 year wait will be over bringing much happiness
  1. 1. grandad description of entertainment
  2. 2. jazz food (4,5,4,3)
  3. 3. how I feel 4u (1,4,3)
  4. 4. spotify humiliation (5,8)
  5. 6. turn lights off to avoid weird folk (4,3,6)
  6. 9. one way in, one way out. No shortcuts or legs
  7. 11. amazing dancer and lol merchant (7,4)
  8. 14. Another sexy man. Not quite as good but still (character name)
  9. 16. very funny woman (3,9)
  10. 18. Julian apology. He should have stopped it (4,2)
  11. 19. hard not to kill but we're getting better
  12. 20. lewis beverage (4,5)
  13. 23. you might cry with happiness here
  14. 25. they took the crustaceans away :( Were too good
  15. 27. so much sauce, so many options - how many times can you go in a week?