Ross rat dep trai

  1. 1. We do this when we want to put our pictures and videos on the internet
  2. 5. This goes high into the sky and explodes, usually with bright colors. You would see them in the new year
  3. 7. I eat, she eats, we run, they run, he swims are all what types of grammar
  4. 9. An adjective to describe something that is too loud
  5. 11. An adjective to describe how you feel when you are tired of something like Math
  6. 14. This is when we do not want to do something
  7. 15. this is a place where there are lots of building and lots of people
  8. 16. This is a place where not many people live, there are a lot of trees and fields
  9. 18. This is when we give an idea to someone to do something
  1. 2. These people take pictures every day as their job
  2. 3. This animal is the biggest in the ocean
  3. 4. These people work in movies
  4. 6. I like To run, hate to eat, love to play, like to clean
  5. 8. I was eating, she was eating, they were running, he was running are all what type of grammar
  6. 10. A place where you go to watch movies
  7. 11. An adjective do describe something that looks really pretty
  8. 12. We do this when we want music or a movie of the internet
  9. 13. this is when we agree to something
  10. 17. I Like cleaning, hate playing, love swimming