Rounding Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. We ___ the place value to show our work.
  2. 4. To round 2,368 to the nearest hundred, round ___.
  3. 5. We draw an ___ towards the number to the right to show our work.
  4. 7. 4 or less, round ___.
  5. 9. The number(s) to the ___ stay the same when rounding.
  6. 10. The number to the right of the place value ___ the number on the left what to do.
  7. 11. Rounding shows us ___ how many.
  1. 1. When rounding, the numbers to the right of the place value become ___.
  2. 2. 5 or more, round ___.
  3. 3. To round 351 to the nearest ten, round ___.
  4. 6. The number to the ___ tells us if we should round up or down.
  5. 8. Rounding tells us which number is the ___.