Rounding Yall

  1. 3. ten - one
  2. 6. The group of tens before and after a number that you may round to.
  3. 10. 21 rounds to this.
  4. 12. ten + five
  5. 13. A placeholder // a digit that fills in the ones when rounding.
  1. 1. 12 rounds to this.
  2. 2. Next to
  3. 4. 28 rounds to this.
  4. 5. Place value showing ten in a group.
  5. 7. Place value showing individual ones.
  6. 8. 0-9, just like letters are used to make words, these are used to create numbers.
  7. 9. This tells you the value of a digit in a number based on where it is.
  8. 11. three + two