Routine Urinalysis and Renal Diseases

  1. 4. It is the thickening of the glomerular membrane due to the deposition of IgA.
  2. 5. The only protein produced by the kidney.
  3. 7. Primary calculi constituent in acidic urine that may be due to metabolic disorders or diet.
  4. 10. Color of the urine in nephritic syndrome
  5. 12. Presence of white blood cells in the urine.
  6. 16. Type of diabetes insipidus where the renal tubules fail to respond to ADH.
  7. 17. This crystal appears colorless to yellow needles in clumps or rosettes.
  8. 20. Most common cause of end-stage disease and shows a positive result in Micral test.
  9. 22. Normal crystal in alkaline urine that is colorless and prism-shaped or has a coffin lid appearance.
  10. 23. Autosomal genetic disorder that shows lamellated and thinning of the glomerular basement membrane.
  11. 25. Motility of the most common parasite in urine.
  12. 26. What disease shows a weakened immunity and is associated with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
  13. 27. An inflammatory process of the kidney and adjacent renal pelvis which is a frequent complication of untreated cystitis.
  14. 28. (+) Antiglomerular Basement Membrane
  15. 30. Renal tubular epithelial cell with nonlipid-filled vacuoles and is seen in acute tubular necrosis.
  1. 1. A procedure that can be used to break stones located in the upper urinary tract using high energy shock waves.
  2. 2. Shape of normal crystals seen in old alkaline urine specimen.
  3. 3. Type of cast that suggests infection or inflammation within the nephron.
  4. 6. These mycota are seen in patients with diabetes mellitus and in immunocompromised patients.
  5. 8. This refers to a sterile, inflammatory process that affects the glomerulus and is associated with the finding of blood, protein, and casts in urine.
  6. 9. It occurs in children following viral upper respiratory infections with the findings of red skin patches and blood in sputum.
  7. 11. Used to identify eosinophils in urine.
  8. 13. Failure of tubular reabsorption in the PCT and would give results of glycosuria and possible mild proteinuria.
  9. 14. Description of hexagonal plate shaped crystals in acidic urine when seen under a microscope, synonymous with no wavelength.
  10. 15. The beginning of all casts.
  11. 18. Most common parasite in urine.
  12. 19. The most predominant white blood cells in the urine.
  13. 21. Crystal that looks like two pyramids joined at their bases.
  14. 24. Cysteine is yellow-brown in color, greasy and resembles an _______ appearance?
  15. 29. An increase of this causes gout.