Rover History Trivia

  1. 2. Code name for on demand walking
  2. 4. Rover's concierge service pre 2018
  3. 5. City of Rovers first satelite office
  4. 6. Name of Rover Now Mascot
  5. 10. Seattle location of Rover's original dog house, The House That Quilt Built
  6. 11. How did Rover learn about the LATAM market?
  7. 13. First non-US country that Rover entered
  8. 14. The original office dog
  9. 16. Location of Rover's first International office
  10. 17. Two words spelled by the circled letters
  11. 19. Adorable little white office dog that howels at sirens
  12. 20. Rover Mascot Name
  13. 21. Boomerang operations leader
  14. 22. Big purchase in 2018
  1. 1. Name of Rover's first acquisition
  2. 3. Rovers newest office location
  3. 7. Location of Rover's first (and only dog swimming gala)
  4. 8. Big purchase in 2017
  5. 9. Leader of the ops org in 2017
  6. 12. Sp: Thank you
  7. 15. CX Agent turned Recruiter
  8. 18. Barcelona office metro stop