- 5. the organisation behind "Save lives: Clean Your Hands"
- 8. Infection control is _____ responsibility
- 12. the _____ ___ of gloves is a significant barrier to hand hygiene
- 13. can support the growth of larger numbers of organisms on the fingernails
- 14. considered to be the gold standard for hand hygiene
- 17. It is my _____ as a HCW to conduct hand hygiene and advocate for my patients to ensure the safe delivery of healthcare
- 18. In healthcare we should only use ABHR that contains _____% alcohol
- 22. a bacteria that frequently colonises our skin but has the potential to cause serious infection if we fail to conduct hand hygiene and introduce to key sites
- 23. a hand care problem that can increase a HCW risk of contamination, infection and transmission
- 1. conducted prior to invasive procedure
- 2. it is always necessary to conduct hand hygiene before and after wearing ______
- 3. you must rub hands and generate _____ to facilitate the mechanical removal of microorganisms
- 4. who to see if your skin starts to look sad
- 6. to be conducted when hands are visibly soiled and prioritised for non-enveloped viruses and C difficile
- 7. We wash our hands to prevent the spread of _______
- 9. minimum precautions applied to any patient
- 10. minimum amount of time required to perform hand hygiene for an aseptic procedure
- 11. number of audit periods per year
- 15. Do you think you can be better with your hand hygiene? :-)
- 16. Something that should be gently provided when a colleague fails to conduct hand hygiene
- 20. hands should be washed in _____ water to protect skin
- 21. Physician considered to be the 'father' of hand hygiene