RS4 Exam Reviewer

  1. 3. an architect who's inspired by God
  2. 4. Everything that God created is _____
  3. 6. the celebration of the Eucharist
  4. 8. the creator of the world
  5. 10. a scholar who wrote about the Holy Trinity.
  6. 13. Saudi's famous work
  7. 14. Giuseppe ____ is the real name of St. Pius X.
  8. 16. something that is difficult to understand
  9. 17. a baptized man ordained in the Holy Orders
  10. 18. American writer who wrote books about creation
  1. 1. Liturgy of the ____ is when we read from the Bible
  2. 2. Liturgy of the _______ is when the bread & wine turn into Body & Blood of Christ
  3. 4. it means "in the beginning"
  4. 5. Jesus taught us to call God, Our ________
  5. 7. a building occupied by monks/nuns.
  6. 9. it means "One God in 3 Divine Persons"
  7. 11. it's when we remember Jesus in the Eucharist
  8. 12. Christ is present at Mass in the words from the ______.
  9. 15. guided people to write the Bible