RU ITEC411 Chapter6

  1. 1. People or companies may trying to influence decisions.
  2. 3. The collective opinions and judgments of a large group of people.
  3. 4. The gap in access to technology.
  4. 9. If technological progress becomes so rapid that it transforms human society.
  5. 11. The importance of introducing new technologies in ways that fit local cultures.
  6. 12. guessing to the best of you ability the consequences of something.
  7. 13. checking the reliability and accuracy of information.
  8. 15. trying to make new technologies available to those who cannot afford them.
  9. 16. The thought that technology can isolate people and weaken communities.
  10. 17. how hard the challenge of accurately modeling systems may be.
  11. 18. protecting individual freedoms when making decisions about technology.
  12. 20. A division between two things that are opposites or entirely different.
  13. 21. an attitude, habit, or belief that's established and difficult to change.
  14. 22. The potential for inaccuracies in a user decision because of a different standing point.
  15. 23. Method for teaching mostly an academic subject.
  1. 2. People who are consernd with the negative impacts of technology.
  2. 5. Someone who opposes technological changes and new technology's.
  3. 6. Spreading something like information widely.
  4. 7. numerically representing quantem choices in computer models.
  5. 8. Professional judgment
  6. 10. showing smart decision making about technology to reduce the impact of mistakes
  7. 14. Example: Simplifications made in computer models that may not reflect reality.
  8. 19. using force or threats.