RU ITEC421 Software Fault Avoidance in Implementation

  1. 4. is a magnet for faults
  2. 8. relocates the program to the desired operating address and places the memory image in memory
  3. 11. strong ________, or being very explicit about the set of values that a variable can take, is something that a programming language can provide to prevent errors
  4. 12. in SPARK Ada provide the basis for proof of correctness
  5. 15. Ada provides support for ____-______ processing and operations on bare hardware
  6. 17. is a sophisticated static analysis system for C
  7. 18. programming language developed with the specific goal of supporting the development of correct software
  8. 19. Incorrect and missing _________ are two types of defects in software systems
  9. 20. programming __________ are an important way to help prevent misuse of programming language features and may include rules such as: must be used, must not be used, or may only be used in certain ways
  10. 21. things such as scope rules and parameter semantics are examples of ________
  11. 22. Ada provides for __________ compilation meaning that system components do not all have to be compiled together
  1. 1. Ada provides support for __________ or being able to do multiple things at the same time
  2. 2. both Ada and Java provide support for both pre-defined and programmer-defined ___________
  3. 3. a software system running out of memory during execution causing it to abort is an example incorrect management of ________
  4. 5. means being able to move a program from one target platform to another
  5. 6. a defect that occurs because the object files were created by compiling the wrong source files would be an example of a ____________ defect
  6. 7. an important quality characteristic of software that simply means the ease with which someone can understand a source program
  7. 9. is a practical, industrial-strength, and readily available example of implementation correctness by construction
  8. 10. these statements have been eliminated from SPARK Ada and are not permitted in many other modern programming languages
  9. 13. ___________ control systems support the management of various versions of a software system
  10. 14. translates from source code to object code and may include checks on likely mistakes
  11. 16. most modern software systems depend upon _________ and these may also contain faults
  12. 21. SPARK Ada is a subset of Ada for which comprehensive analysis is possible