Rubenstein Chapter 5 Part 2 vocabulary

  1. 2. Dialect spoken by some African Americans.
  2. 4. A boundary that separates regions in which different language usages predominate.
  3. 6. A language that results from the mixing of a colonizer's language with the indigenous language of the people being dominated.
  4. 7. A language that was once used by people in a daily activities but is no longer used.
  5. 8. The system of writing used in China and other East Asian countries in which each symbol represents an idea or a concept rather than a specific sound, as is the ease with letters in English.
  6. 9. A regional variety of a language distinguished by vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.
  1. 1. The form of a language used for official government business, education, and mass communications.
  2. 3. A language that is unrelated to any other languages and therefore not attached to any language family.
  3. 5. A term used by the French for English words that have entered the French Language; a combination of français and anglais, the French words for "French" and "English," respectively.