Ruby's spelling words

  1. 2. a lie or false statement
  2. 4. not fashionable or impressive
  3. 8. the branch of biology
  4. 9. a collection of myths
  5. 10. the study of the movements
  6. 11. begin a course of action
  7. 13. happening or done at an unsuitable time
  8. 14. a system of ideas and ideals
  9. 15. the study of living organisms
  1. 1. not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice
  2. 3. the study of the nature of God and religious belief
  3. 5. the study and treatment of tumours
  4. 6. take off one's clothes
  5. 7. in the opposite direction to the way in which the hands of a clock move round
  6. 12. the science which deals with the physical structure