Running dream vocab words

  1. 2. A railing at the side of a staircase or balcony to prevent people from falling
  2. 4. Ina frenzy as if insane
  3. 10. The treatment of physical disabilities by massage and electro therapy and exercises
  4. 12. Suffer agony or anguish;cause to agonize
  5. 13. One’s own sense of right conduct
  6. 17. Dignified and somber in manner or character
  7. 18. An expert in prosthetics
  8. 19. Exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one’s own advantage
  1. 1. The act of becoming formally connected or joined
  2. 3. The entrance (the space ina wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building
  3. 5. An unshakeable belief in something without need for proof or evidence
  4. 6. Noun witty remark; a witty saying; verb make jokes or quips
  5. 7. A prediction of the course of a disease
  6. 8. A step in walking or running
  7. 9. of or relating to or having vessels that conduct and circulate fluids
  8. 11. Swelling from successive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue
  9. 12. The act of turning yourself (or your gaze) away; a feeling of intense dislike
  10. 14. Raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help; raise
  11. 15. Slow and laborious because of weight
  12. 16. The act of forcing your way by pushing