Russia under Lenin: Theme 1

  1. 3. Created in 1919 as top-level Party hierarchy
  2. 5. Treaty signed with Germany to pull Russia out of WWI
  3. 7. Centralism. Centralised government with illusion of debate
  4. 8. Capital of Russia 1917
  5. 9. Organisations representing workers of Russia
  6. 13. State. Lack of any organised political opposition
  7. 14. Fanya. SR terrorist who shot Lenin in 1918
  8. 15. Second stage of Communism according to Marx
  9. 16. A Level History exam board
  10. 18. Region where Stalin was based during Civil War
  11. 19. Capital of Russia 1918
  1. 1. Assembly. Lenin dissolved it in Jan 1918
  2. 2. Sailors. Pivotal during revolution of Oct 1917
  3. 4. Major factor in Reds winning Civil War
  4. 6. Decision making body of the state
  5. 7. White general during Civil War
  6. 10. Politburo member and Party boss of Moscow
  7. 11. Julius. Leader of the Mensheviks
  8. 12. The Second. Russian Tsar who abdicated March 1917
  9. 17. Bolshevik secret police created in Dec 1917