Russian culture, traditions and cuisine

  1. 2. A soup made with cabbage and other vegetables.
  2. 3. A fermented drink made with bread and flavored with fruit or herbs.
  3. 8. A company from Russia famous for making fancy eggs and jewelry.
  4. 11. A stew made with meat, vegetables, and spices.
  5. 13. A traditional Russian musical instrument with strings.
  6. 17. A traditional Russian sauna that involves heating stones and pouring water over them to create steam.
  7. 18. Small pies filled with meat, vegetables, or cheese.
  8. 20. A time in the 1980s when Russia was changing its government and politics.
  9. 21. A satellite sent into space by the Soviet Union in 1957.
  10. 22. A clear alcoholic drink that is very popular in Russia.
  11. 23. Small snacks that are often served with vodka.
  12. 24. A soup from Russia made with beets, cabbage, and potatoes.
  13. 25. A type of porridge made with grains such as buckwheat, barley, or oats.
  1. 1. A book by Boris Pasternak about a doctor during the Russian Revolution.
  2. 4. A dish made with beef and sour cream sauce.
  3. 5. A small house outside the city where people go to relax.
  4. 6. Dumplings filled with meat and served with sour cream.
  5. 7. A sled pulled by three horses.
  6. 9. A thin, round Russian dish made from flour, eggs, milk or kefir, and yeast.
  7. 10. A type of soda in Russia flavored with tarragon.
  8. 12. A big metal pot from Russia used for boiling water to make tea.
  9. 14. A headscarf worn by older women in Russia.
  10. 15. Wooden dolls that fit inside one another, each one smaller than the last. They usually have pictures of women wearing traditional dresses.
  11. 16. People from southern Russia and Ukraine who lived in military communities.
  12. 19. A traditional Russian drink made from bread that has been fermented.