Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1)

  1. 1. Naomi's daughter-in-law who went back to Moab (Ruth 1:14)
  2. 4. Naomi's daughter-in-law who refused to leave her (Ruth 1:16)
  3. 6. The city where Elimelech and Naomi were from (Ruth 1:1)
  4. 9. giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
  5. 10. the meaning of Mara (Ruth 1:20)
  1. 2. the process or period of gathering in crops (Ruth 1:22)
  2. 3. not enough food in the land (Ruth 1:1)
  3. 5. the meaning of Naomi (Ruth 1:20)
  4. 7. The country where Elimelech and Naomi traveled to (Ruth 1:2)
  5. 8. Elimelech's wife's name (Ruth 1:2)