Revelation Chapter 1-12

  1. 6. In chap. 4 John sees the elders worship God and cast what at his feet?
  2. 8. In chap. 6 what color was the horse that the rider held the bow and a crown?
  3. 10. In chap. 6, what color was the horse that had a rider with a pair of balances in his hand?
  4. 11. In chap. 7 we learn about four angles that stop the wind from blowing. Where on the earth were they standing? (2 words)
  5. 13. In chap. 12 John learns about the war in heaven and sees a red dragon with how many heads and crowns?
  6. 14. In chap. 4 what does the red Sardine stone represent?
  7. 15. In chap. 8 we read of the desolation that will be poured on the earth by 7 angels holding what?
  8. 17. In chap. 6 what color was the horse where the rider was Death?
  9. 20. In the footnotes of Rev. 5:6, what does the number 12 represent? (3 words)
  10. 21. In chap. 2, who held the 7 stars in his right hand? (2 words)
  11. 23. In chap. 6 John saw a red horse and the rider was given power to take peace from the earth. Of the 7 seals, which seal was this horse seen? (2 words)
  12. 25. In chap. 5 John sees the Savior as a Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes but the Joseph Smith Translation changes the 7 to what?
  1. 1. In chap. 1 what was the name of the Isle where the Book of Revelation was received?
  2. 2. In chap. 8 we learn that after the 7th seal was opened there was silence in heaven for how long? (3 words)
  3. 3. In chap. 8 the 4th angel brings the darkening of the sun, moon and stars. What portion will be darkened? (2 words)
  4. 4. In chap. 7 we learn of the 144,000 that are sealed. Where will they come from? (3 words)
  5. 5. What does the rainbow represent?
  6. 7. Which apostle received the Book of Revelation?
  7. 9. In chap. 10 John was told to eat the book and that it would make his belly bitter and in his mouth what? (3 words)
  8. 10. In chap. 9 John sees the 6th angel let loose the 4 angels from the river Euphrates. What does the J.S.T. call this river? (2 words)
  9. 12. The number that represents whole or complete
  10. 16. What tribe of Israel is Jesus Christ from?
  11. 18. In chap. 7 where will the servants of God be sealed?
  12. 19. In chap. 1 what does the sharp two-edged sword represent? (3 words)
  13. 22. In chap. 11 we learn of the 2 prophets that will serve and die in which city?
  14. 24. In chap. 4 what does the green Jasper stone represent?