Ryan and Caleb

  1. 2. most people of chinese decent belong to these people
  2. 3. this is a mass amount of rain
  3. 6. china's national drink
  4. 8. steamed dumplings is another name for this
  5. 9. a method of preparing large pieces of meat
  6. 10. this seals in the juices, and gives food a crisp coating
  7. 11. scrambled is a type of this food
  8. 14. main utensil that the Chinese use
  9. 15. the backbone of Chinese cooking
  1. 1. this is what steamers are made of
  2. 4. second most keeping method
  3. 5. this is china's main religion
  4. 7. today most of the chinese people are this.
  5. 12. how many meals Chinese eat a day
  6. 13. this is the most common method of cooking