- 5. Smyrna prides itself for its fireman's ___ .
- 9. The air might smell funny bc of this...
- 11. One hundred __ __ is the Number of square miles of the S-E school district.
- 13. Name of the Park in Sherburne.
- 15. You can guess that this will be on the menu every Friday.
- 16. Last name of the social studies teacher who looks like the Burger King Mascot.
- 19. Last name of the mayor of Sherburne.
- 21. Place you'll find picnic tables, a fountain that doesn't work, etc.
- 22. Mr. Tackabury says never to trust anyone with a __ tattoo.
- 24. Last name of the best teacher at S-E.
- 25. Last name of the Social studies teacher who is also a photographer.
- 27. Closest college to S-E.
- 29. You must pay cash here to purchase food from this restaurant.
- 30. 19__ ___ is Year Sherburne and Earlville merged.
- 31. Located on Route 80, this is a nature center.
- 1. Lewis' restaurant became this for a brief period of time.
- 2. One hundred ___ ___ is the Number of instructional staff at S-E
- 3. Name of the storage area for old desks, chairs, tables, etc.
- 4. Largest employer in the community.
- 6. Name of the Diner in town before it became the Sherburne Diner.
- 7. Previous mascot of S-E
- 8. Last name of the woman who works in the office who used to be the snack lady.
- 10. The S-E district is made up of the towns of Columbus, New Berlin, North Norwich, Otselic, Plymouth, Sherburne, Brookfield, Smyrna, Georgetown, Hamilton and ___.
- 12. Store where you can purchase just about anything plumbing or tool in Sherburne.
- 14. Last name of the man who is a retired teacher and former wrestling coach who subs.
- 17. Who will find "Marauder Pride" here.
- 18. Town where part of the elementary school presided.
- 20. This college is sometimes referred to as "Sherburne University"
- 23. The Pageant of Bands is always the first Saturday in ___.
- 26. Last name of the Social Studies teacher you is a veteran.
- 28. Oldest grocery store in Sherburne