S-E General Knowledge

  1. 5. Smyrna prides itself for its fireman's ___ .
  2. 9. The air might smell funny bc of this...
  3. 11. One hundred __ __ is the Number of square miles of the S-E school district.
  4. 13. Name of the Park in Sherburne.
  5. 15. You can guess that this will be on the menu every Friday.
  6. 16. Last name of the social studies teacher who looks like the Burger King Mascot.
  7. 19. Last name of the mayor of Sherburne.
  8. 21. Place you'll find picnic tables, a fountain that doesn't work, etc.
  9. 22. Mr. Tackabury says never to trust anyone with a __ tattoo.
  10. 24. Last name of the best teacher at S-E.
  11. 25. Last name of the Social studies teacher who is also a photographer.
  12. 27. Closest college to S-E.
  13. 29. You must pay cash here to purchase food from this restaurant.
  14. 30. 19__ ___ is Year Sherburne and Earlville merged.
  15. 31. Located on Route 80, this is a nature center.
  1. 1. Lewis' restaurant became this for a brief period of time.
  2. 2. One hundred ___ ___ is the Number of instructional staff at S-E
  3. 3. Name of the storage area for old desks, chairs, tables, etc.
  4. 4. Largest employer in the community.
  5. 6. Name of the Diner in town before it became the Sherburne Diner.
  6. 7. Previous mascot of S-E
  7. 8. Last name of the woman who works in the office who used to be the snack lady.
  8. 10. The S-E district is made up of the towns of Columbus, New Berlin, North Norwich, Otselic, Plymouth, Sherburne, Brookfield, Smyrna, Georgetown, Hamilton and ___.
  9. 12. Store where you can purchase just about anything plumbing or tool in Sherburne.
  10. 14. Last name of the man who is a retired teacher and former wrestling coach who subs.
  11. 17. Who will find "Marauder Pride" here.
  12. 18. Town where part of the elementary school presided.
  13. 20. This college is sometimes referred to as "Sherburne University"
  14. 23. The Pageant of Bands is always the first Saturday in ___.
  15. 26. Last name of the Social Studies teacher you is a veteran.
  16. 28. Oldest grocery store in Sherburne