S23 USH Semester Final Review

  1. 2. a party organized in the late 1960s as a means of getting Mexican Americans to unite politically and to identify ethnically as one people after trying to protest separately was ineffective
  2. 3. Betty Friedan and Phyllis Schafly were on opposite sides of the ______, which nearly became an amendment to the United States Constitution as it was lacking the required amount of states' ratification
  3. 5. world alliance organization created after WWII; the United States is a permanent member of the Security Council
  4. 6. 1972; the first time that the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to limit the number of nuclear missiles produced
  5. 9. ensures that all students have equal opportunity to enjoy the benefits of team sports participation for both girls and boys
  6. 10. incident that was a "dark hour for President Kennedy" due to the failed invasion of Cuba by CIA-trained La Brigada
  7. 13. practicing containment by economically aiding and therefore encouraging countries away from communist influence and relations
  8. 17. President Reagan's economic policy that included a 25% tax cut and curb in government spending
  9. 19. the _____ Scandal was the break-in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington was carried out under the direction of White House employees; led to Nixon's resignation
  10. 20. United States lining the border of Saudi Arabia to prevent a potential Iraqi invasion during the Gulf War
  11. 22. policy enacted by President Nixon and Henry Kissinger; United States troops would slowly withdraw from Vietnam
  12. 24. the misappropriating of funds to counterrevolutionaries in Nicaragua through a hostage/arms deal with Iran; the problem was that Congress had forbade aiding the Contras prior
  13. 25. the largest trading block in the world; free trade between Canada, Mexico and the United States established during Clinton's Presidency
  14. 26. ultimately, the Korean War ended at a _____ at the 38th parallel (very close to where it had begun)
  15. 28. a war crime committed by the United States on 16 March 1968, involving the mass murder of unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by the United States Army in 1968 that was leaked a year later
  16. 29. fascist leader who rose to power in the Soviet Union; continued the Purge and enacted the Berlin Blockade
  1. 1. when Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel's independence after leaders had been invited to President Carter's retreat
  2. 4. massive surprise attack by the Viet Cong in which over 100 towns and cities were bombed simulataneously; considered to be a major turning point in the Vietnam War
  3. 7. one of the leaders of the United Farm Workers in 1962, a movement that consisted of marches, boycotts and fasts promoting safer and fair working conditions for Hispanic/Latino Americans working in the southwest
  4. 8. peacefully breaking the law and accepting the consequences, usually to protest an unfair law or policy
  5. 11. satellite nations' and communists' countries counter to the creation of NATO
  6. 12. provided for college or vocational training for returning WWII veterans as well as one year of unemployment compensation
  7. 14. encouraged Native Americans to buy land and leave the tribe to counter reservation poverty and conditions, but in many cases made things worse as land allotted was not farmable
  8. 15. communist revolutionary leader, first of the Viet Minh, then of the Viet Cong
  9. 16. temporarily divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel in hopes that free elections would be held to unify the country; also recognized Cambodia's independence
  10. 18. President Eisenhower was angry at Great Britain for "making a muck of things" when they escalated tensions with Egypt over the _____, thus encouraging Egypt to seek Soviet aid and relations.
  11. 21. the name of the United States air strikes and bombing of Iraqi forces in Kuwait during the Persian Gulf War
  12. 23. classified documents that were leaked to the press in 1971 that alleged that former Presidents had purposely kept the public, press and even the Congress in the dark about what had really been going on with United States' involvement in Vietnam
  13. 27. civil rights leader who promoted self defense, economic prosperity and nationalism amongst black Americans