SA Endocrine

  1. 2. zona ___ secretes glucocorticoids; adrenal cortex
  2. 5. treatment for central DI
  3. 8. treatment for hypothyroidism
  4. 10. regular insulin; potent and short acting insulin used to treat DKA
  5. 11. alternate treatment to methimazole for hyperthyroidism in cats
  6. 14. treatment for addisons disease
  7. 16. tumor of adrenal medulla that secretes catecholamines; hypertension, tachyarrhytmias, seizures/collapse
  8. 18. diabetes insipidus is a lack of production or response to
  9. 20. species with DKA are hyperthyroid
  10. 22. zona ____ secretes aldosterone; adrenal cortex
  11. 24. type of DI that has adequate ADH, but ADH receptors of kidney do not function properly
  12. 25. ratio will be elevated that have cushings; sensitive test
  13. 27. glucose = 45, insulin = high; N to high insulin in face of low BG; tx is sx removal
  14. 29. if there is no suppression on the previous test, this test is used differentiate PDH vs adrenal; 75% PDH suppress
  15. 31. zona ___ secretes androgen; adrenal cortex
  16. 32. initial treatment for hyperthyroidism in cats; can cause extreme facial pruritis
  17. 33. older, large breed DOGS; CS- wt gain, hyperpigmentation, alopecia, pyoderma, seborrhea, lethargy; cause: immune-med lymphocytic thyroiditis, secondary from glucocorticoids; dx: free T4
  18. 34. measurement used in cats instead of a glucose cure
  19. 35. type of DI that lacks release of vasopressin from posterior pituitary
  1. 1. CATS >8y; CS- thyroid slip, restlessness, polyphagia, wt loss, v, aggression, PU/PD, dull hair coat; cause adenomatous hyperplasia; dx: serum T4 +/- free T4 by equilibrium dialysis
  2. 3. cause of primary hyperparathyroidism; growth of the parathyroid gland; hypercalcemia,hypophosphatemia; tx is surgical removal
  3. 4. calcinosis cutis, panting, lethargy, distended abd, inc occurrence of infection, PU/PD/PP; dachshund is predisposed; most due to a primary dysfunction in pituitary causing increased secretion of ACTH
  4. 6. gold standard test for addisons disease if result is low
  5. 7. most common in middle aged female dogs; hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, azotemia, hypoglycemia, acidosis, low resting cortisol, absence of stress leukogram, low Na:K
  6. 8. test to differentiate Pituitary dependent vs Adrenal dependent cushings; PDH will have suppression at 4hr vs no suppression in adrenal dependent
  7. 9. diagnostic that helps to determine diabetes mellitus
  8. 12. treatment for nephrogenic DI
  9. 13. lifestyle changes to help with DM patients: high/low fiber diets, high/low calorie diets, regular/inc/dec exercise; choose the correct change
  10. 15. species with DKA have cushings
  11. 17. dogs almost always (70%) have this type of diabetes mellitus
  12. 19. syndrome in cats caused by a tumor in the pituitary that secretes an excess of growth hormone; CS- wt gain, broadened face, enlarged feet, protrusion of mandible, inc interdental spacing, organomegaly, poor coat
  13. 21. type of cushings treated with lysodren, mitotane
  14. 23. sx tx for adrenal dependent cushings
  15. 26. cell type that secrete catecholamines (epi and NE) in the adrenal medulla
  16. 28. cats- polyphagia, wt loss, dull hair coat, PU/PD, PL weakness, plantigrade stance; dogs- bilateral cataracts PU/PD/PP wt loss
  17. 30. condition w/ PU/PD, wt loss, N to inc food intake, lethargy, v; UA= ketones and glucose; metabolic acidosis, hypernatremia, hypochloremia, hypokalemia, pre renal azotemia