Sabrina- Egyptian mummies

  1. 2. What was the whip called that was used as punishment by the pharaoh?
  2. 4. the ceremonial leaders that performed mummification
  3. 8. A __________ was a symbol of leadership to the people. It was used by shepherds
  4. 11. This book was used in ceremonies of burial in ancient Egypt
  5. 14. How long was the mummy left to sit before it was wrapped in cloth?
  6. 15. Pieces of cloth used to wrap a mummy
  7. 17. Which valley were pharaohs relocated to?
  8. 19. Who's Pyramid was found that hadn't been stolen from?
  9. 20. The stone coffin that held the body of the mummy
  10. 21. The Empire that perfected mummification
  11. 23. Plants that were used to stuff the mummy
  1. 1. The spirit that would go on to the afterlife
  2. 3. Which organ that was removed helped the mummy to breath while it was alive?
  3. 5. People who study mummies are __________________.
  4. 6. The _______________ would collect taxes that would go to his afterlife.
  5. 7. The ceremony that took place in memory of a pharaoh.
  6. 8. The jars used to preserve the vital organs
  7. 9. A ___________________ was used to take the brain out of the head.
  8. 10. The piece of gold that was put on the mummy's head after it had been embalmed
  9. 12. Which god on the canopic jars had a human head?
  10. 13. the process that pharoahs went through to be preserved for afterlife
  11. 16. The salt used to embalm the body
  12. 18. The god with baboon head
  13. 20. Which organ in the body helped to digest food for the mummy while it was alive?
  14. 21. _____________ were placed on the body in the form of the scarab beetle, a Died pillar, a heart, and the papyrus scepter.
  15. 22. What type of liquid sap was used in mummification? The body was often painted with it