Sacred Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. the name of the translation st. Jerome made
  2. 6. last book of the old testament
  3. 7. term used for any sacred writing
  4. 8. another name for the Ten Commandments
  5. 9. the heritage of faith contained in sacred scripture and sacred tradition
  6. 11. how many books make up the entire bible
  7. 15. the gathering of the pope and bishops
  8. 16. first book of the new testament
  9. 17. official teaching authority of the church
  10. 19. God's chosen people
  11. 20. Good news
  1. 1. Collection of sacred writings
  2. 2. the 46 books of the Bible
  3. 4. an agreement between humans and God
  4. 5. God revealing himself to us
  5. 10. last book of the Bible
  6. 12. the 27 books of the Bible
  7. 13. God makes himself known to human by nature
  8. 14. means scripture alone
  9. 18. first book of the Bible