
  1. 1. helps you draw circles
  2. 5. A straight road
  3. 6. Pumps blood around your body
  4. 9. Sums
  5. 11. The faith of our School
  6. 13. The boss!
  7. 14. Get the angle
  8. 17. our langauge
  9. 19. Due in each week
  10. 20. Measure with this
  11. 21. Same, clothes
  1. 2. Where you take breaks
  2. 3. Do something again
  3. 4. Keeps the school working
  4. 7. This is the ___ Heart news paper
  5. 8. You write with this
  6. 10. In a red tie
  7. 12. The borough
  8. 15. Eraser
  9. 16. Sports cage
  10. 18. A place of learning