Sacred Scripture

  1. 2. a 7 year period of great suffering
  2. 5. that place where the final battle will take place
  3. 7. an "uncovering" of something which has always been true
  4. 8. the belief that the world history is divided into a certain number of eras
  5. 9. any one thousand year period
  6. 10. a fairly new term for the expectation that faithful Christians will be taken off the Earth
  7. 12. any teaching about the "end" times and/or the future world beyond the end of normal time.
  8. 13. religious groups that expect Rev twenty to occur
  1. 1. originally referred to anything " revelatory", now usually refers to catastrophic violence of disasters
  2. 3. a world view with strong apocalyptic expectations; social movements that expect the end of the world.
  3. 4. a cosmic event expected in the future
  4. 6. religious or secular groups
  5. 11. not really "foretelling the furure,"