  1. 1. You must have this to operate a vehicle.
  2. 3. Acronym to use fire extinguisher.
  3. 5. You should never take this for any process.
  4. 6. How to teach safety to employees.
  5. 8. Who do you report an injury to?
  6. 10. What you should know about your work area.
  7. 11. You should never bypass this.
  8. 12. When backing up or approaching a doorway use this to alert others.
  9. 14. What procedure should follow to repair a machine (abbreviation)
  10. 16. This is everyone's responsibility.
  11. 18. When should you wear a back belt?
  12. 19. When can you text and drive?
  1. 2. What route should you take in an emergency?
  2. 4. What protects your eyes?
  3. 7. You should take these to avoid fatigue.
  4. 9. What should be on any container holding a chemical?
  5. 11. Alcohol An approved chemical for cleaning.
  6. 13. Drinking too fast causes this.
  7. 15. You use this to reach high places.
  8. 17. Drill How to test your fire response plan.