Safe Winter Driving

  1. 3. Know what your _________ will do, stomp or pump anti-lock is different.
  2. 5. Do not ____________ the tires, it will likely dig deeper into the snow
  3. 6. Keep these clear for better visibility
  4. 7. (2 words) When the pavement looks wet but is actually icy.
  5. 8. Watch for this in shady spots and on bridges
  6. 10. Be ___________ make sure you have blankets, flashlight, jumper cables and a first aid kit.
  1. 1. Maintain good following ______ this gives you time to react.
  2. 2. Kitty Litter or sand can help increase this when placed under a tire
  3. 4. Pay ___________ to Tire Spray, wet roads have a lot of tire spray, if it is less the road is starting to freeze and you should exercise caution.
  4. 5. One key for safety is ____________ speeds.
  5. 7. Always remember to ___________ up
  6. 9. Check this, leave early if necessary.