Safeguarding Adult Awareness Week

  1. 5. Which word in the 6 safeguarding principles is the least intrusive response.
  2. 7. Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from Abuse and ?
  3. 8. A factor that may increase an elder’s risk of becoming a victim of abuse.
  4. 10. What control is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.
  1. 1. Which word in the 6 safeguarding principles is said to be transparent.
  2. 2. Which word in the 6 safeguarding principles relates to working with communities.
  3. 3. What documentation should be in place to develop a positive culture that encourages open conversations about safeguarding.
  4. 4. A tactic that may be hidden that is often used by abusers online.
  5. 5. Which word in the 6 safeguarding principles relates to support and representation for those with the greatest need.
  6. 6. Which word in the 6 safeguarding principles means to be proactive (better to action before harm occurs).
  7. 9. Safeguarding has 6 key principles this begins with E and it said to encourage people to make their own decision and informed consent.