
  1. 2. Something that you should always have when on a boat or on the water, especially for an inexperienced swimmer.
  2. 6. a kind of influence from friends or people in your age group that can be good but can also lead to injury and dangerous situations.
  3. 9. A warning sign and the smell of a gas leak.
  4. 11. A bucket used to store liquids that should be present when using fireworks to discard them.
  5. 12. Something you should never produce when you smell gas.
  6. 15. This age group should not be given fireworks for everyone's safety.
  7. 18. A risky and dangerous action performed for social attention or fun. These acts should be avoided since they are often more risky than they are fun.
  8. 19. A product that is prescribed or bought that should be carefully used by only the person needing it. This item should not be shared or over used.
  9. 22. The minimum amount of feet a grill should be kept at from houses and other buildings.
  10. 24. A state of impaired senses from the use of alcohol or drugs. It is also something you should never be when swimming, boating, or driving to ensure the safety of yourself and others.
  1. 1. Objects made only for fun use in the pool that are not made to be and should never be used as flotation aids or flotation devices. They should always be substituted for other objects made specifically to help you stay a float.
  2. 3. An object that should always be on hand when near a fire.
  3. 4. Something you should pack even for short trips outdoors and any other activities to stay well hydrated
  4. 5. a stretchy material used for car tires and bands and something you should never burn
  5. 7. Something you should always have from either a lifeguard or parent when swimming incase help is needed in a dangerous situation.
  6. 8. This is the potential for a dangerous situation and can be avoided with careful and considerate behavior.
  7. 10. A sign that this area of water is hazardous because of weather, water conditions, or Surfing, Areas marked by this sign should be avoided
  8. 13. Something that can be prevented by using a fire ring, having water and a fire extinguisher, and by being aware of how much wood or lighter fluid should be used.
  9. 14. Something you should know and follow in case of poisoning. It involves calling the poison control center and being prepared to give them specific information about the incident.
  10. 16. An object that can help prevent getting lost in trails and in any area.
  11. 17. something that can be prevented by wearing a properly fitted helmet
  12. 19. this can be avoided by always having supervision when on or near the water.
  13. 20. Something you should never wear around an open flame to avoid accidentally getting your clothing caught on fire.
  14. 21. A hot gas that can result from putting out a fire with water and can cause serious burns. Injury from this gas can be prevented by raking hot coals and ash before putting out fire with water.
  15. 23. Something you should always check before you go outdoors to ensure safety and preparedness for the coming weather conditions.