Safety 2015

  1. 2. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C affects this body organ.
  2. 12. When choosing eye protection, your most important concern is
  3. 13. how many emergency showers/ eyewash stations are located at Athena
  4. 14. ABC rated fire extinguishers shouldn’t be used on what type of fires
  5. 15. This is not a route of entry for a chemical exposure.
  6. 16. A continuous and unobstructed path of exist travel from any point within a workplace of safety is the definition of
  7. 19. Quest Diagnostics has a comprehensive biological exposure protection program including a training and tactics you can use to reduce your risk of exposure. This program is called
  8. 21. How many floor maps are locate d on the Athena floor
  9. 22. What is the best defense against fire
  10. 23. this injury is the most common form of Bloodborne pathogen exposure
  11. 24. Electrical fires would require extinguishers appropriate for which type of fires
  12. 25. A biological exposure includes contact with blood and other potentially infectious material (OPIM) except
  13. 26. This is not a GHS label “signal word”.
  1. 1. The new standardized version of the Material Safety Data is known as
  2. 3. A needle stick with a contaminated needle, a cut from a tube of patients’ blood and a splash of blood in your mouth is all examples of
  3. 4. Flammable liquids, gases and greases are designated as fires of
  4. 5. this requires getting 3 shots in 6 months
  5. 6. Treating all blood and body fluids as though they were infectious is referred to as
  6. 7. To reduce the risk of lifting injury, quest diagnostics provides you with safe lifting and tools like carts and dollies.
  7. 8. A risk factor contributing to ergonomic injuries is
  8. 9. Microorganisms in the blood which can cause diseases such as Aids and Hepatitis.
  9. 10. Lab coats, gloves and face shields are used as what kind of protection
  10. 11. Devices that help eliminate exposure risk and include items like biological safety cabinets, sharps containers and safety needles are considered
  11. 17. The National Fire Prevention Association has defined how many types of fire
  12. 18. This is not categorized as a global harmonization system (GHS) physical hazard class.
  13. 20. The unique name or number used for a hazardous chemical.