
  1. 1. when you are in an emergency situation you should stay __________
  2. 4. Your bodies way of telling you that you feel unsafe
  3. 6. You should always wear _____________ clothing when you are you in the sun
  4. 7. You may get _______________ in your stomach when you feel unsafe
  5. 9. The internal standard to measure the impact of the suns rays
  6. 10. When you feel unsafe your hands may get _______________
  1. 2. To clearly and boldly express your feelings on a matter
  2. 3. The type of radiation produced by the sun
  3. 5. Recognise, React, __________________
  4. 8. When someone is breathing but unconscious you should put them into the _____________________ postion
  5. 11. You should always report unsafe situations to a safe __________