Safety Contract CrossWord

  1. 1. always wear safety goggles and glasses when conducting an experiment NO EXCEPTIONS
  2. 2. follow all instructions from the teacher to dispose waste or materials
  3. 4. Do NOT touch any chemicals,animals,supplies or aliens without asking a teacher
  4. 5. Handle all glassware with care, there is literally no obvious difference between a cold and a hot class
  5. 6. no setting things on fire in class
  6. 7. Never open storage cabinets without talking to a teacher first
  7. 8. Follow all written and verbal instructions
  8. 9. Handle all animals and aliens with care and respect, (no matter how sad they also look NEVER open their enclosure!)
  9. 10. report any accident /spill to miss fauss IMMEDIATELY (once again NO chemical meltdowns)
  10. 12. learn where safety equipment is, and where to go for a fire drill (stop,drop, and roll)
  11. 14. Don't remove any chemicals or animals from the class
  1. 1. keep hands away from eyes,mouth and anything else on your face
  2. 2. Dress properly for labs (GIRLS! or boys with long hair, always wear a hair tie when doing a lab! Don't need any more burn victims)
  3. 3. never eat,drink,or chew gum in the science room!
  4. 6. Always carry equipment with 2 hands! never try to balance 5 hot plates (it never works out, ask miss fauss)
  5. 7. keep your work area and science classroom clean and nice
  6. 8. clean all work areas and lab equipment, we do NOT want a chemical meltdown (cause than miss fauss has to pull out the flour
  7. 9. consider all chemicals in the science room dangerous (cause they probably are (oops said too much) )
  8. 11. perform only authorized experiments
  9. 13. use extreme caution when handling a hot plate