Safety Crossword

  1. 5. Start/safety equipment
  2. 6. Hazard a situation that could potentially pose a threat.
  3. 8. Safety safety regarding the use of flames.
  4. 10. keeping tools, materials, etc in the best condition possible.
  5. 13. dangerous parts/equipment
  6. 14. A dangerous situation that can cause an accident
  7. 15. right attitude The best mindset to stay safe in the lab
  8. 18. hazard A visible unsafe situation
  9. 19. Rules needed to complete a project
  10. 20. physical hazard
  11. 24. extinguisher a tool used to put out fires.
  12. 25. Hazard a situation that presents a danger
  13. 26. glasses goggles used to prevent unwanted things in the retinas.
  1. 1. identifying and correcting unsafe hazards
  2. 2. rules that hold back a project
  3. 3. a kit with things necessary to heal someone hurt.
  4. 4. 911
  5. 7. a alarm that notifies the building there is a fire present.
  6. 9. Hazard a situation that could potentially be a threat that is hidden from view.
  7. 11. having too much confidence in something.
  8. 12. stop danger fire emergency
  9. 16. radiation hazard
  10. 17. proceeding with caution
  11. 21. a measurement of electricity
  12. 22. safety safety regarding electricity.
  13. 23. safety information