Safety Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. If experiments are being initiated, students must always wear laboratory _____ no matter what.
  2. 7. Students should know the _____ for all safety equipment’s.
  3. 9. Students should always keep chemicals or preserved specimens away from your face, eyes, and most importantly, your _____.
  4. 10. After an experiment, always wash your hands with _____ and water.
  5. 11. Always be _____ when proceeding in the laboratory.
  6. 12. The instructor will _____ experiments students need to perform in.
  7. 13. Students who are working with volatile substances or poisonous vapors must work in _____ areas.
  8. 15. How many times should you check the label of waste containers before adding them into it?
  9. 18. Always follow instructions, both written and _____.
  10. 20. Who should the students ask if they do not understand a direction or procedure?
  11. 21. What form of manner should be conducted at all times in the laboratory?
  12. 23. Students should set up prescribed _____ as directed by the instructor.
  13. 24. An instructor must be _____ for students to work in the laboratory.
  14. 25. What other area should you store other materials instead of the laboratory?
  1. 1. Students should not _____ around in the classroom.
  2. 2. Any pranks, jokes, or horseplay could potentially be _____ and prohibited.
  3. 3. Students must always read all of the _____ before entering the laboratory.
  4. 5. Never use laboratory _____ as containers for food or beverages.
  5. 6. Student should not be allowed to be permitted in _____ rooms unless given permission by the instructor.
  6. 8. Students should never drink beverages, eat food, or chew gum in the ______.
  7. 14. If you are using a knife or sharp instruments, always have points pointing _____.
  8. 16. Students must follow all written and verbal _____ carefully.
  9. 17. Always be _____ when doing you work.
  10. 19. Always push your chair under the _____ when you are not using it.
  11. 22. Students should not touch any equipment, chemicals, or any other _____ in the laboratory.
  12. 24. Experiments that are unauthorized will be _____.