Safety in the Workplace

  1. 2. To lift properly, bend at your _____, not at your waist.
  2. 4. If there is an intruder alarm and you are in the restroom, report to the nearest _________.
  3. 7. Never run cords under rugs or _______.
  4. 8. The "O" in OSHA stands for this.
  5. 12. The "A" in the acronym PASS reminds us to do this to the base of the fire.
  6. 17. When filing paperwork, file the _________ drawers first to prevent the file cabinet from falling.
  7. 21. This should be all the way at the end of your desk to prevent CTS.
  8. 22. The pain-relieving ingredient found in Tylenol.
  9. 24. Eyestrain, blurred vision, headache & nausea are all symptoms of this.
  10. 27. Smoking should be confined to this area.
  11. 28. This type of fire extinguisher extinguishes flammable or combustible liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene and grease.
  12. 30. All businesses should have this, which includes gauze, tape, rubbing alcohol, scissors, etc.
  13. 34. Combustible materials must be marked with this.
  14. 36. These lights should have white or yellow plastic covers to protect people from ultraviolet radiation.
  15. 39. To prevent this, work no more than 1 hour at any one task.
  16. 41. Cigarette smoke should be confined to designated areas with adequate ______.
  17. 42. When an accident occurs at work, you should complete this.
  1. 1. If there is inclement weather in the area, you must cover your head and ____ to support your spinal cord.
  2. 3. In addition to fire extinguishers, all offices should be equipped with these.
  3. 5. The buildup of tension.
  4. 6. The most common work-related injuries in the office are _______ injuries.
  5. 7. This type of fire extinguisher extinguishes chemicals, such as those found in laboratories.
  6. 9. To prevent eye strain, your monitor should be 18-28" or _______ length away.
  7. 10. When you come in contact with chemicals, it is important to wash your hands frequently since chemicals contain this.
  8. 11. Photocopiers produce this, which can impair lungs, especially in confined areas.
  9. 13. Making sure office equipment and supplies adjust to your body correctly.
  10. 14. This type of fire extinguisher extinguishes ordinary combustibles such as paper, wood, and some plastics.
  11. 15. Repair or replace split cords, cracked cords and/or ______ cords.
  12. 16. The 3 P’s of evacuation routes are to Plan, Post and ___________.
  13. 18. This acronym oversees clean water, green living, climate changes, pesticides & chemicals.
  14. 19. This acronym means repetitive strain injury caused by repeated bending of the wrist at an angle.
  15. 20. Report to the stadium for _________ drills and bomb threats.
  16. 23. This agency is responsible for preventing work-related injury and illness (OSHA is part of this agency).
  17. 25. Before troubleshooting, make sure equipment is ____________.
  18. 26. This acronym prevents businesses from discriminating against people with disabilities.
  19. 29. Report here in the event of a fire or bomb threat.
  20. 31. In the event of a(n) __________, we will lock the door to our classroom and report to the storage room (where we can lock ourselves inside).
  21. 32. The "A" in OSHA stands for this.
  22. 33. In the event of __________, report to the downstairs hallway, away from glass doors and windows.
  23. 35. This type of fire extinguisher extinguishes electrical fires, such as those started by frayed or damaged wires.
  24. 37. This acronym oversees infectious diseases, STDs, vaccines, traveler's health, and poison control.
  25. 38. The “P” in the acronym PASS reminds us to do this to the pin.
  26. 40. This acronym makes sure businesses provide a safe and healthy environment for customers and employees.