Safety is Key

  1. 4. This symbol is used to demark infectious substances
  2. 6. Highest Biosafety level
  3. 8. Flame over circle GHS label
  4. 11. Glove material best for bacteria and body fluids.
  5. 14. Best all around glove material.
  6. 15. Who to ask for help if a gas cylinder is to be moved.
  7. 17. Acronym for information on a chemical
  8. 20. Most common lab injury.
  9. 21. Fire extinguisher use acronym.
  1. 1. at 10% concentration in water, this chemical is EPA approved as a disinfectant.
  2. 2. what happens if incubators are not kept clean
  3. 3. These are to be taken off chemical bottles when the chemical is to be disposed.
  4. 5. The liquid form of this common gas is highly dangerous and used to store many AAHI materials.
  5. 7. Is a problem if this is left on a lab bench
  6. 9. Main hazard created with incorrect centrifuge usage.
  7. 10. Required to be worn in lab spaces.
  8. 12. Must be separated from bases when stored.
  9. 13. These are needed on vacuum lines in the lab
  10. 16. Appropriate footwear inside the lab
  11. 18. This is needed to be put out if something is spilled on the floor of the lab
  12. 19. Most common GHS danger label in the lab space.