Safety Month

  1. 1. ....Mask
  2. 3. The 'H' in OHS and WHS
  3. 5. These Glasses protect your eyes
  4. 8. The ........Therapist.
  5. 10. When you lift keep this straight.
  6. 11. We should always ...... all incidents.
  7. 14. Personal Protective ........
  8. 16. Test and ...
  9. 17. responsible for safety
  1. 1. Safety .... Sheet
  2. 2. Slips, Trips and .....
  3. 4. The best form of controlling a hazard.
  4. 6. ....Aid
  5. 7. Isolate and ........ equipment
  6. 9. 5whys and ICAM are ways of doing this.
  7. 12. If we don't control a hazard, it's a....
  8. 13. This is not for jumpstarting your car
  9. 15. Work .... Victoria