SAFETY puzzle #1

  1. 2. Process followed when a patient answers "yes" to history of MRSA in the past year
  2. 8. May not be used in the event of a fire but can be used in the event of a tornado
  3. 11. contact time for the Super Sani Wipes
  4. 13. Perform this to prevent the spread of germs
  5. 14. How many fire extinguishers we have in our dept
  6. 15. Used when we take a piece of equipment out of service
  7. 16. Process for use of fire extinguisher
  1. 1. Number of hours staff have to report to the ED after BP exposure
  2. 3. Name of the event reporting system
  3. 4. The two questions front desk staff ask all patients at check-in
  4. 5. Where is the AED located
  5. 6. Verbal order process: recite, _____, read it back
  6. 7. the acronym we use for how to respond to a fire
  7. 9. Type of sticker placed on dirty instrument totes and laundry bins
  8. 10. Our Dept Safety resource person
  9. 12. Empty med vials are disposed of in the _____ container