Safety Puzzle

  1. 3. Report it to the instructor immediately
  2. 4. A situation that could become hazardous when combined with other situations
  3. 5. Report the condition to the instructor immediately, so the tool can be repaired
  4. 6. safety color is orange
  5. 8. help given to a sick or injured person.
  6. 14. type of fire extinguisher is approved for Class A, Class B, and Class C fires.
  7. 18. safety color is green
  8. 19. safety color is purple
  9. 20. a set of beliefs by which one acts
  10. 21. Must wear when working in the lab
  11. 23. set of events, actions, or behaviors that can lead to a hazardous state.
  12. 24. The area of the shop floor where the machine operator only should stand.
  13. 25. A visible unsafe condition
  1. 1. causes the most accidents in the lab
  2. 2. safety color is blue
  3. 7. undesired events that result in a loss
  4. 9. Kills more people in a fire
  5. 10. safety color is yellow
  6. 11. defined as a c class fire
  7. 12. the end objective requiring effort
  8. 13. Indentifying and correcting hazardous situations/conditions.
  9. 15. Safety color is red
  10. 16. Keeping tools, machines and equipment in best possible condition
  11. 17. lasts for 15 seconds
  12. 22. Not safe in the lab area whenever power tools are not in use.