Safety Review

  1. 3. what is more likely to happen when you rush?
  2. 4. always wait for a machine to ______ before you walk away
  3. 7. who can you ask for help if you do not know how to use a machine?
  4. 8. use tools and materials for their _______ purpose
  5. 9. you should never cut _______ you or someone else
  6. 10. Cleaning up keeps the lab _______ for you and others
  7. 12. there is absolutely no running or ______ in the lab
  1. 1. pay _______ to what you are doing at all times
  2. 2. the amount of inches your fingers should be from any moving part
  3. 5. students need this before they use machines
  4. 6. always _______ tools and materials where you got them
  5. 11. what do safety glasses protect?