Safety Slogans

  1. 3. If you mess up, '____________ up.
  2. 6. Safety is as simple as ____________....Always Be Careful!
  3. 8. Be informed or ____________.
  4. 10. __________ fingers, _____________ toes, if your not safe who knows?
  5. 12. If you don't work smart, you will never be an old ________!
  6. 13. Keep safety in will save your ____________.
  7. 14. Practicing ______________ safety can take you to high places!
  8. 16. Safety is a frame of mind, get the _____________?
  9. 18. Pencils have _____________-mishaps don't!
  1. 1. Safety goggles $15.00, steel toe shoes $150.00, hard hats $10.00, coming home to your family ___________.
  2. 2. Falling objects can be brutal if you don't protect your ______________.
  3. 4. Safety glasses: All in favor say ____________!
  4. 5. Shortcuts cut a life ___________.
  5. 6. Working safely each day will keep the doctor _________.
  6. 7. __________ takers are accident makers.
  7. 9. It's better to lose one ____________ in life than to lose a life in a minute.
  8. 11. It is easier to ask a dumb question than to fix a dumb _______________.
  9. 12. Those precious fingers don't ignore...Or they could end up on the __________.
  10. 15. The door to Safety swings on the _____________ of common sense.
  11. 17. A spill, a slip, a hospital ___________.