Safety Stop

  1. 1. There are ________ (insert clue)es one located near each __________.
  2. 5. MSDS stands for _____________________.
  3. 7. Handle scissors, scalpels, knives and other _________ objects with extreme caution.
  4. 8. What should you wear on your feet while in the lab?
  5. 10. door, The red power-off button is located near the _______ _________.
  6. 11. It’s a good idea to wash your __________ on your way in and out of the lab.
  7. 12. __________carefully to your instructor they may tell you important information regarding the lab or equipment.
  8. 13. Never work _______ in the laboratory.
  9. 14. How many safety showers are there in the lab?
  1. 2. If a chemical comes into contact with this organ that contains photoreceptors use the __________.
  2. 3. some labs have a special ventilation system called a __________.
  3. 4. keep bags and coats out of the _______.
  4. 6. In case something is burning you should know the location of this important piece of equipment
  5. 9. Report accidents to your instructor no matter how _______they may seem