- 5. Please clap
- 8. An inferior institution
- 9. Transparency layers are great
- 10. This crossword
- 12. On the other side of Chuck
- 13. Yoshi does it
- 14. Known to the state of California
- 16. A workshop and a game
- 17. The concept of this crossword
- 18. We all love it
- 20. 02139
- 22. Roll for crossword comprehension
- 23. Snake case is encouraged
- 24. It's quite an impact
- 1. A game of six and four
- 2. Alternative to "spiciest memelord"
- 3. A polygon, for instance
- 4. This author's other major
- 6. Worth negative points
- 7. Kirby does it
- 10. Dulce et decorum est
- 11. Like chemistry with a few key differences
- 12. This author's major
- 15. Mathematical rock
- 17. What a whole channel of the Discord plays
- 19. RIP 1916-2016
- 21. Personal healthcare solution