Saftey Precautions

  1. 3. Which acronym can help you remember what steps to take if a fire should occur in your facility?
  2. 7. A healthcare worker should interview a victim of an accident in a private and ___ setting.
  3. 9. At what angle should you hold utensils while feeding patients at mealtime?
  4. 12. Up to how many hours does it typically take for symptoms of foodborne illness to occur?
  5. 15. Which agency is responsible for enforcing safety standards in the workplace?
  6. 16. In what position is a patient lying on the back?
  7. 17. Why must proper technique be followed for a patient transfer? To prevent ______
  8. 18. What is the most common type of injury experienced by healthcare workers?
  9. 19. Do Substance abuse, Mental disabilities, Impaired vision or hearing affect patient safety?
  1. 1. Which two items should be used to identify a patient, birth date and _______
  2. 2. Where should you point the nozzle of a fire extinguisher when you are putting out a fire?
  3. 4. Being legally responsible for causing harm is:
  4. 5. What is a sickness that results from eating a food that is infected with bacteria?
  5. 6. How can you confine a fire to an area? Close doors and
  6. 8. Which muscles are the strongest in your body?
  7. 10. Which health problem is best handled by the Fowler's bed position?
  8. 11. Which agency is responsible for protecting human health and the environment?
  9. 13. How often should high traffic areas in a healthcare facility be cleaned?
  10. 14. Symptoms of foodborne illness resemble the ____.